Fitness: sport for all



Holidays are certainly an opportunity to recharge your batteries, to get together with your family and to conjugate the verb "to laze around" in all tenses and modes. But they can also be a time to take care of yourself, to get back in shape. And from this point of view, campsites are increasingly well equipped, with wellness or fitness areas.


In recent years, fitness areas have flourished on campsites. They have gone from being equipment that is usually installed where there is space left, to becoming a place to meet, live and exchange. They allow people who, for a whole host of reasons, would never set foot in a gym to come and enjoy themselves... and to "hurt themselves" without fearing for a moment the gaze of others, you know that contemptuous look of the twig in the latest fluorescent leotard on her neighbour... a little rounder and dressed in a T-shirt and jogging pants that have seen better days. It's also a place where the beginner rubs shoulders with the "cast iron lifter" who spontaneously becomes an instructor.


They are easy to use. The most serious brands offer explanatory panels in several languages, increasingly enhanced with flashcodes allowing novices to access professional advice through videos that you can watch on your smartphone or tablet.


But the main reason for the success of these fitness areas is their conviviality. They are an opportunity to mix generations, men and women, able-bodied and disabled. The various manufacturers have understood this and have developed their catalogue accordingly with equipment that can accommodate up to eight people at the same time. To achieve this, they have created jibs on which it is possible to attach several pieces of equipment at the same time. This principle even makes it possible to make it a place of integration between able-bodied and disabled people. It is enough to combine workshops for able-bodied people and workshops for disabled people on the same structures.


Read more: Fitness at the campsite: it's up to you!